A bus service from Papakura operates from Rosehill College (departing approximately 7.50 am) in the morning and returning from Karaka School to Papakura (arriving Rosehill College at 3.30 pm) via Karaka Park, Oaklands Road.
This service is not a free bus service to those children outside the Ministry bus zone; therefore those parents will be invoiced accordingly.
A bus service is operating at present from Wesley College to the school and home and also includes Whangapouri Road and Oira Road.
Application to use the bus service is included in the enrolment pack together with rules on behaviour expected of those children travelling on the bus -or you can download it using the link below . Karaka School has a “zero tolerance” on inappropriate behaviour. Children are expected to be well behaved on the bus and to obey all reasonable requests of the driver and bus monitors, especially where safety is involved. Misbehaviour can result in temporary or permanent removal from the bus service.
Costs for:
Papakura bus – $50.00 per child, per term
Wesley/Paerata Rise bus – $50.00 per child, per term
(To bring our bus fee structure in line with the Rosehill Bus Network, there will now be a flat fee of $50.00 per term per child, regardless of whether they travel one or both ways)
Any other arrangements are on application in writing to the Principal, and Invoiced accordingly. Those children using the bus that are not bus children need to approach the office and pay accordingly for the day. Prices on request at the office.
A bell is rung at 2.35pm each day to remind teachers it is time to tidy classrooms, pack up and organise bags etc. It is also the signal for the bus children that they have five minutes to get to the bus line.
All children using the bus are listed on a class by class list. These are check every morning to see what children are going home by bus. Please remind your child in the morning if they are travelling on the bus or not. If a child is not sure, every effort is made to contact the parent to confirm they are travelling home by bus or car. Missed days are not deducted from the term price.
If a child is going to be picked up then a phone call or email is requested to ensure that the bus monitors are not searching the school for children that have already been collected by car. These procedures have been put in place for the safety of the children, and because it is the school’s responsibility to ensure their safety.
A full list of requirements, rules and policies regarding the bus can be included in the enrolment pack on request from the school office.